25 January, 2008

Another Job Interview

Right now my goal is a job, any job, maybe not any job but at least something that'll keep me on my toes and pay my bills. Today I was at another job interview. Now comes the time of waiting and wondering... I guess you've already figured out that I didn't get the job I was interviewed for a couple of months ago. I was kind of "under-qualified" at that time, or maybe I should say that some else was better qualified than me. Today I was "over-qualified" and I cannot understand why that should even be an issue? Isn't up to the applicant when she applies for the job to consider if it something that she wants to do? If you think you're "over-qualified" then you don't apply for the job, am I right?? It just doesn't make sense to me! Well, we'll see in a few days what will happen.
Anyways, I am very pleased (and proud!) to say that I did pass the exam in Macroeconomics a few weeks ago. I'm as happy as can be! :-D

06 January, 2008


Sitter och tragglar mig igenom makroekonomi, och det är inte lätt! Inte för mig ialla fall... Makro är inte riktigt min grej känner jag men tentan är på tisdag så det är bara att bita ihop och kämpa på. Det finns en hel del att använda sig av på internet så det måste ju betyda att det är några som förstår sig på det här ämnet trots allt. Hmm, önskar jag var en av dem just nu.... Nu googlar jag vidare på kurvor, BNP, ränteparitet och andra spännande ord!

01 January, 2008

Happy New Year!

Another year has gone by - time really flies!
For me 2008 will be very different from 2007. In a short period of time I'll finally get a Bachelor's Degree in Business Economics and Management, and a Bachelor's Degree in English. I cannot wait! I have worked over 5 years to get where I am today. It is so exciting!!! The next step is to find a job and I hope it'll be soon.

Do I have any New Year's resolutions? Sure I do but they'll remain a secret for now... ;-)

Quilting projects for next year? I am gonna finnish all those UFO's and take on some new projects!

Happy New Year!