07 February, 2008

This is good news!

Today I got the good news that I got a job at a bank in Stockholm! :-) Wow, this is a huge step forward for me! I'm as happy as can be. This means I'll be commuting every day. Rise and shine early every morning - train leaves at 6,23 a.m. and I'll return home at about 6 p.m. Long days but it's totally worth it! It's only for two months but hopefully it'll lead to something more permanent later on.

Last weekend I got in the mood for sewing again. I managed to make the little things on the pictures below; a cute little flower that holds a measuring-tape and a holder for my sharp scissors.

I start my new job in two weeks which means I can really take some time off and do whatever I feel like, almost... So, I think I'll try to sew as much as possible whenever I get the chance! :-)